Networking at Its Best
Lets say I have a service that can benefit the community and you know a business that would have customers that would be interested in seeing or hearing about your services. As long as it doesn't conflict with what the other business is offering, then you have made a great networking match. The Girls Scouts go to supermarkets and ask if they can sell their cookies in front of the store. Thats one example.
Another example- A photographer is offering portrait specials, so he ask a night club owner if he can set up a table to advertise his services and maybe even provide some services right then and there. Especially during a holiday or occasion. That will attract the night club customers to want to use the services of the other business. Maybe the photographer may even want to offer a night club special price for being there.
Another good example- A consultant goes to a day care and ask if they can leave some flyers or business cards with them so that they can give it to the parents. The consultant offers financial and insurance information. Well many parents would be interested in obtaining that information, so that would be a good networking match. The consultant may even ask if they can offer a seminar after day care hours so that the parents can come and hear about the services they offer. In return, the consultant can offer to take some day care center marketing material and put it in their office or they can offer to give it to their clients. The day care center may even want to do a special promotion for the consultant for their referrals.
You never know how good cross networking/cross marketing can turn out unless you try it by proposing it to the business owner(s).
A coffee business can even benefit by giving free samples of their beverages at an event or business. By doing this the free samples can turn into profit if the customers like it.
I hope I gave you some ideas to start networking.
Good luck!
A Great E-Book
This manuscript will be a great investment. It includes 5 Chapters of how to succeed in various ways when opening up a business.
To order just contact me and you will be emailed the invoice of $40.00. When received, you will be emailed the manuscript.
Start making smart investments. Number one investment is learning all you can about your business and how to market effectively and of course according to your budget. Some of the topics that you will be reading are: Who you want to be, Writing effective press releases, Using blogs, forums and social media and branding yourself.
After you read it, let me know how you enjoyed it.
To schedule a business consult and to make sure your business is in compliance, you can schedule a consultation via skype, facetime, oovoo or google video. Let me know how I can be of further assistance.
Ria Mixon
I received these two questions:
1. How can I receive a wholesale permit?
Receiving a wholesale permit is simply going on the irs website and filling out your resellers sales permit. It is free to apply. You will file quarterly or when you receive information as to when your sales tax are due at your particular state.
2. How do I file for a 501c3 if I am a not for profit business?
You file it with the irs. You also need an attorney or an experienced consultant familiar with that process so that they may assist you with the paper work.
***If you have any questions on a new business or forming a business, just leave a comment on this post and I will answer your questions. Thank you!
Another red flag that is on the rise is the fraudulent emails that are being sent out that ask you to supply your information, or you cashing checks and sending them a portion, etc. Its not worth it because then you become an accomplice, even if you say you didn't know, you can still be held responsible. There are even fake dating websites out there as well.
A great website to read more samples on things to become aware of is "Marcus Evans". This company helps in Scam prevention, insuring and protecting you and your company against online crime be it fraud, phishing hoax and financial Scams. Businesses like "Marcus Evans" is here to help.One last thing to keep in mind, be careful what you open in your email. Make sure you know who it is that you are opening emails from. You can never be to cautious with your identity,family and security.
Private Chef
I’ve always been obsessed with food, so becoming a professional chef wasn’t that much of a stretch. What was a surprise to me though was that I would eventually become a private chef! I have several clients and basically spend my days shopping for ingredients and cooking gourmet meals at their houses so they’ll have a delicious dinner when they get home. I can’t believe my good fortune and literally can’t wait to wake up and get started each day! I carry some chef’s knives and a good set of cookware with me wherever I go and also decided last year to invest in wimax through so I could be connected wherever I was. It’s been a lifesaver at times, too, since I’m able to look up recipes or ingredient substitutions on the run. My clients all love coming home to a hand prepared meal and I love being able to spend time in the kitchen while getting paid for it! It’s the best of both worlds, really, and I’m so glad to be done with those awful restaurant hours!
Ignorance is not bliss
It’s crucial to cover all your bases when starting a small business. I know firsthand! When I got started in the competitive production industry a few years ago I had no idea what I was doing. I’d rented a space on Sunset and assumed the clients would just start pouring in – boy was I wrong! After a couple of months of dormancy, I contacted a marketing agency that hooked me up with the technological tools needed to survive in today’s modern market. They handled everything from domain purchasing to email hosting to securing signage for my store, so I felt like I was in good hands. The agency landed me a great spot in a local trade paper and before I knew it, my phone was ringing. Not off the hook, mind you, but ringing nonetheless. My business has been growing steadily ever since and though I wish I’d known then what I know now, I realize there’s only so many steps you can take before opening a business. The margin for error is huge and so is the learning curve, but there’s only one way to know if you’ll survive!
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Logos anyone?
fundraising planning, how to approach a foundation,? Many of your questions can be answered by just reading the highlighted categories.
Grant seeking basics for individuals
Designed for individuals not affiliated with nonprofit organizations, such as artists and researchers.
Improve your prospects for receiving funds. This course will show you how to find and identify potential foundation funding sources.
Learn how and why funders make grants to individuals and discover the best tools available for grant searches. Gain an understanding of the application process and learn how to effectively articulate your funding needs.
This course features interactive exercises and assessments, a comprehensive glossary, and web and print resources to prepare you for grantseeking success.
Sign up today! Your account will remain active for six months, allowing you to review the material as often as you like (please note: the final assessment of your skills may be completed only once.)
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12 Ways To Maximize Time And Life
1. Have goals
Being more efficient with your time is irrelevant if you don't know how you want to spend it. In managing time, the compass is more important than the clock. Know where you want to go and spend your time on the things that get you there.
Many people spend energy trying to be more efficient without first doing what's important: setting goals. It's like being lost on your way to a new city. Driving faster doesn't help if you are going in the wrong direction. Figure out what direction to go in and head that way.
Once you've prepared it, your list of goals will reveal what is important to you.
2. Analyze how you spend your time
It is always good to know how you're spending your time right now. You can track this by setting a timer to go off every 15 minutes; whenever it sounds, write down exactly what you are doing. Alternatively, divide your day into 15-minute blocks and record each activity you do.
Once you have your time logs, examine them. How do they compare to your goals? Are you spending time where your priorities are?
3. Keep a to-do list
This sounds too simple, but it really is the basis of all time-management systems. Your to-do list can be electronic, on fancy paper, bound in a notebook or loose-leaf. The key is to have everything you want to accomplish on one list. My to-do list might have a one-line item on it, such as "write annual report," which refers me to a much larger file or even a file box on that item.
4. Prioritize your list
Once you have the list, determine which are the important items. Mark these with a highlighter, a red pen, or in any other way that makes them stand out.
I sometimes find my to-do list is too big. Every item on the list calls out "pay attention to me!", even though most of them weren't highlighted as important. In these cases, I take a blank sheet of paper and cover my to-do list and write down only the three or four most important items. Those are the ones to focus on.
5. Control procrastination
I use a number of tricks to break any lingering tendencies to procrastinate. For instance, I happen to like having a hard copy of my digital to-do list. I reprint it every few days as new items are added and completed ones dropped. It is at these times that I look for the items that I've marked as high priority, but which are just not getting done.
People often say I have great self-control. In truth, though, much of it is environment control. I control my environment to eliminate things that I might use to procrastinate. Take games off your computer, for example, sell your TV, and get rid of the busywork jobs that you use to avoid the important tasks.
I have developed one effective habit that has helped break me of procrastination: "Do the worst thing first." At the beginning of every day, I do the one task that is causing me the most stress, and that I haven't been getting done. Sometimes I just give it a quarter of an hour — based on the theory that I can stand just about anything for 15 minutes. Frequently it is this short thrust that breaks me through.
If I still find myself procrastinating, I review my reasons for setting a goal. To create extra motivation to complete a task, I strengthen the reasons why it should be done. Similarly, many people reward themselves for completing a job.
6. Organize
Organization and time management are linked. I find that I get important things done when I have all the tools I need to perform the job.
The opposite of organization — chaos, clutter, disorganization — generally leads to busy work. If your desk is piled high, every piece of paper says "look at me." You can end up doing a lot of work without ever getting to the important stuff.
7. Delegate
One way to expand your time is to get others to help you with it. The key to delegation is to hand off any tasks that someone else can do significantly faster or more easily than you can.
If you're protesting that you don't have anyone working directly for you to whom you can delegate tasks, no problem. Consider delegating to a peer, a superior, a supplier, or even a customer. Treat delegation like networking: who in your network would be best for the job?
In some cases you will need to invest up-front to train someone so he or she can take over a task from you. The long-term savings are usually worth the up-front time and costs.
After delegation, remember to thank appropriately. You might think people would resent being delegated to, but exactly the opposite is true. People like to be asked, especially if it is to do something that they're good at.
8. Master efficiency tricks
The best trick I have found is "The Power of While." What can you do while you drive? While you walk? While you clean? While you watch TV? I am a huge audio tape advocate and frequently listen to tapes while I am doing something else.
Being a techno person, I love all the organization software out there that allows me to keep my contacts, to-do lists and appointments. I also use gadgets such as cellphones, wireless e-mail, and personal digital assistants. Good use of technology can save you valuable time.
9. It's OK to say no
Saying "No" can be the most powerful time tool you can master. When someone asks you to do something, ask yourself how important this is. Does it help you achieve your goals? Is this a task you would be better at than most people? Don't always look for reasons to get out of things, but be strategic about what you take on.
This doesn't mean that I always say no when asked to help out. But if I do say no, I am always polite and tactful, and try to suggest someone else who would do the job well.
10. Focus
Committing 100% focus and concentration on one task at a time can be very powerful. Eliminate distractions. Focus on the task. When you're properly organized and prepared, when your energy and power are high, you can often complete a task in 20% of the time it would take when you're distracted or open to interruption.
11. Build your efficiency bank
High efficiency is not possible if you don't look after yourself. Eat right, exercise, sleep well and drink moderately. Mom knew best: all the things she said were good for you just happen to be best for your efficiency, too.
I also believe meditation can be a great way of building your efficiency. It could be transcendental meditation, Zen, or just finding a way to get into a relaxed state that lets you focus on the task you have to do. No matter how you do it, recharging your batteries gives you the power to do more during the times you need to be at your best.
12. Take care of yourself
It isn't possible to be "on" all the time. Take the time you need to look after yourself — body and soul — so that you can reach peak efficiency when you need to. Have a list of things you like to do. Find out what activities energize you, and spend more time doing them. This will give you the power and energy to be more productive when you return to work.
Finally, a word of advice. If after reading this far you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, I suggest you go back to Rule 1 and add peace (contentment) to your list of goals. Time management is not about adding stress; it is about giving you the time to be the person you really want to be.
How to Create a Successful Advertising Plan
Regarding the type of message to be delivered, try thinking from the point of the customer. What will impress him and catch his fancy. Note down points what the customer expects from the company and what advantage will he have when dealing with the company. Effort should be made to retain viewer or listener’s or reader’s interest in the advertisement until the end. This procedure is known as message selection.
After creating the outline of the picture, pick lines that will actually attract the customer. The message shouldn’t be long enough to bore the customer. Some advertisers are under the illusion that more the matter written, the better the message delivered. Usually they fear that they don’t miss out any information. This does nothing but decreases the effectiveness of the ad and customer is left unsatisfied.
For example, the heading of the advertisement shouldn’t be just “We Sell Clothes”, which is too precise. The liking of the people should be studied and the headline should be designed such that the customer feels that his needs are met. It should also take into consideration seasonal changes like If the season at that time is summer and there are lots of beaches around that area, the heading of the ad should be something like “Summer Clothes for Sale” or “Get the heat off – Buy Swimwear”. The body of the advertisement should talk of the necessities to switch to summer clothes like cotton clothing. It should discuss the health point of view too, like cotton cannot be used as swimwear as it will cause contamination, therefore the swimwear is made of synthetic material. Also include lines about swimwear for overweight people.
Ads are either traffic builder or relationship builders or reputation builder. Suppose the budget involved is less, the target should be relationship builder. Because once the customers are established, they will start trusting the company and won’t switch to other companies. According to a research it takes ten percent less resources to retain existing customers than attracting new customer. If the focus is on brand recognition, the advertisement should be traffic building.
The next point is whether the advertiser wants quick results or long lasting results. If quick result is desired, then a time limit should be levied. Like in case of seasonal sales, the customer hurries to get advantage before the offer is over. So quick results are expected in this case. But the disadvantage with advertisement with time limit is that the customer are bound to forget about the product or the company within a short period and it doesn’t creates a deep impact on the minds of the customer.
Competing against rival company’s ad also contributes to a successful advertising plan. The power of the message should be compared to that of the competitors’. It doesn’t mean that the advertiser should use the same plan like his competitor, it would look like imitation and effectiveness will be decreased. But the advertisement should be planned smartly via a different and effective path, to out-do the competitor’s advertisement.
The description of the product is also very vital like suppose an advertisement is made for a restaurant, it will get customers immediately, if it is attractive. But if the advertisement is for a computer, it won’t yield immediate results, as it’s not every day that someone buys a computer. This is called analysis of the purchase cycle.
If targeting for a higher impact, newsletter is the best bet. But if the newsletters are sent to the real potential customers, then this approach should be adopted for message delivery. It should only be opted be after thorough analysis, no matter what the budget is. If it is in your budget to do so..Another important point is to always hire a professional advertiser or an ad writer because not hiring one will sometimes be more expensive and results in more losses. For more information on creative ad writers and fees,leave a comment.
My 2 picks..
Take charge
Take Charge of Your Motivation: Be Your Own Best Coach
Author: Ismini ApostoliNothing happens without motivation. Motivation is the power we use to set things in motion, including ourselves. Without motivation nothing changes, in fact nothing moves. Motivation is the positive energy we use to spur us to action,and this positive energy consists of our positive feelings. Feelings like optimism, joy, enthusiasm, confidence, passion, hope, faith, belief. Without this constant flow of positive energy our action falters and stops, is inconsistent or weak and uninspired, repetitive and dull and consists only of our response to necessity, things that have to begrudgingly be done: go to work, pay the bills, meet obligations, etc. Without internal motivation the spark in us and in our lives dies, yet we all know how hard it gets sometimes to keep that spark alive.
Many times, we rely on external motivation to get going, especially when the going gets tough. We rely on surrogate coaches like family and friends to give us a boost, to support, encourage us and give us praise for our efforts. Many people lose their emotional, internal motivation for long periods of time, and often resort to taking motivational courses, or seminars, reading motivational books etc. They get enthusiastic for a while, and then fall back to their inertia, flat lifeless feeling, discouragement, reduced energy levels, etc. The reason for that is that the motivational messages received are not fully internalized, they remain an external stimulus which when removed simply stops to have an effect.
Lasting motivation can only come from within. Lasting motivation comes from our feelings, and a lot of our feelings are a result of our self-talk. When do we most need the help of a friend or a coach? When our self-talk is negative, when we feel powerless, helpless, hopeless or stuck. When we say no to ourselves, no to our dreams, no to life. But we cannot always rely on external motivators like friends or coaches to provide us with support, help and pep-talks. We need to learn to coax and coach and pep-talk ourselves; we need to learn to be our own best friends and coaches.
So what does a good coach do? First of all he listens with an open mind and tries to understand our current situation and feelings. A coach asks us clarifying questions about what it is that is bothering us, about where we are and where we want to go. A coach then quickly helps us focus on solutions, ideas, plans. A coach supports and provides us with the emotional fuel to implement our ideas. A coach applauds and congratulates us on the slightest sign of success and progress. A coach asks empowering questions to help us get around a challenging situation, obstacle,or quickly correct a mistake.
A coach has patience and composure and knows that all things take time to evolve. A coach maintains a positive attitude at all times and keeps us focused in a positive direction. He tells us things like "this is a brilliant idea", "you can do it", "you're making a lot of progress", "look at what you've already done", "keep working on it", "you're doing great", "well done". He tells us most importantly "make a start", "take the first step", "just do it"! He's there for us always with a positive attitude, always with the right words that will trigger our positive emotions once again. He knows how to turn around our negative feelings and negative self-talk by superseding them with his enthusiasm and constant pep-talk.
So let's emulate this ideal coach, take responsibility for our motivation and become our own best coach.Let's learn to give ourselves the necessary nudge to push us out of our place of discontent, boredom, fear, hesitation, inertia, avoidance, procrastination, self-doubt.
Let's say yes to our dreams and aspirations and then continue to be our own best coach by silencing our negative self-talk, and replacing it with positive encouraging pep-talks to ourselves.
Let's say yes to ourselves and yes to life. Let's just do it!
About the Author:
Hi, I am Ismini Apostoli and I am a psychotherapist working in Greece. In addition to in-office therapy my services are open to people from all over the world, through online counseling by emails.
I work with individuals, couples and families in order to resolve a variety of issues, like depression, anxiety, stress, couple and relationship issues.
I also particularly enjoy helping people enhance their self-esteem, uncover hidden talents and abilities and develop their potential.
I invite you to visit my site at where you can get to know me better and read some more of my articles.
You can also visit my blog for articles, tips and practical resources for attaining your dream life.
Article Source: - Take Charge of Your Motivation: Be Your Own Best Coach
Attaining business and financial success..
Attaining Business and Financial Success. Tips for Massive Achievements
Author: Ben Frank Jr.Have you ever wondered why two people who have the same goal and seemingly take the same actions, end up getting such different results? Maybe you have known someone who always reaches or exceeds their goals, and someone else who always has a hard time achieving anything at all. What separates successful people from failures? What enables some to reach their dreams almost effortlessly, while others never even seem to have a chance? It is clear that successful people do things differently that those who fail. When you think and act in a way that supports success rather than repels it, you will achieve more throughout your life.
Are you ready to attain for business and financial success? Do you want to explode your business, start a new business, build wealth and financial freedom, and achieve any other goal that you have the desire to achieve? Then you need to start doing things in a way that will bring you the results you want. The following tips will help you achieve more in all areas of your life. I used them to build success in my businesses and financially, and then utilized them to achieve more in other areas of my life as well.
Get Your Goals Clearly Written Out
You cannot achieve big things until you know exactly what big thing you want to accomplish. It all starts with a goal, a clearly written statement of internet. Intent is the key word here. Many people wish and hope for more money, but those are not goals. Goals are clear visions that you have that you intend to make manifest in your life experience. Write your goals down, clarify them as much as possible, and review them day by day. If you do not yet know where you are headed, isn't it time you found out?
Visualize Your Success
Knowing your goal is great, and clarifying it makes it even better. They say that clarity is power, because the more clearly you see what you want to achieve, the faster it will arrive. One tool that many successful people use to achieve their deepest desires is to take time out daily to sit and visualize their success. They see themselves in every detail just as they want to be when they reach their goal. This implants success in their mind and makes it possible for them. See yourself in your imagination as having already achieved your goals.
Watch Your Thinking in Tough Times
Tough times are bound to happen, especially if you have set high goals for yourself. If you play it safe with mediocre goals you may not meet hard times, but big goals require big action and commitment. When things get tough, make sure and remain positive, optimistic, and hopeful of still reaching your goals. People who lose their focus in tough times often quit or make vital mistakes. Keep focused on your goals no matter what happens and you will eventually reach them.
Read, Grow, and Thrive
You can get to any level of business or financial success that you choose, but you may need to grow yourself into the person who is capable of achieving it. People who are always reading, learning, and growing are constantly achieve more than people who do not take time and energy to invest in themselves. Grow from the inside out and there will be nothing that you cannot achieve.
About the Author:
Ben is a young entrepreneur who has several successful businesses under his belt, and enjoys sharing information on a wide range of business, financial, and entrepreneurial topics. Visit A Millionaire in the Making and the Resources for Entrepreneurs
Article Source: - Attaining Business and Financial Success. Tips for Massive Achievements
Have a Hobby that you thought about selling?Such as arts and crafts?
Make sure though that your love for your hobby doesn't cause stress in your life because then it won't be fun anymore. You should decide in how big you would like to expand your arts and craft business. When you make the amount of products that you would like to sell, put a price on it and begin to market.
If you are doing an online store, you can begin by taking photos of your crafts. There are so many free
ecommerce sites that you can build. After loading up your items to your online store, educate yourself so that you can start marketing on the internet. You can begin with emailing your friends and family your link and tell them to email it to their friends and family. Next thing you would want to do is get listed with the search engines and maybe start a blog directing them to your site.
Maybe you are more of a hands on person. Then you will definitely like the flea markets at your local town. Renting a booth is very inexpensive,sometimes only
$20-$30.00 a day. You can even make up flyers and give them out to your neighbors, friends, church members, PTA moms and anyone else you know. You can set up a table in front of a store. Ask the store owner. As long as it doesn't conflict with what they are selling.
A very important fact I do not want to leave out.. Whatever form of sales you decide to do for your business, it all starts with customer service. Be good to your customers and your customers will be good to you.
Having a business in which you can still do your hobby and earn, is a great way to stay happy in what you do for a living.
Your expertise is needed..and you can earn from it
If you would like to share your knowledge with a good article and earn income from your articles, click on banner below.
Read terms and conditions and you can be on your way. Are you a business that needs
blog content/articles/pictures? You can even register as an advertiser.
Good luck!
Have a marketing party once a month..
Invite a few people over and have a marketing party, put flyers out, stuff envelopes, mail the envelopes, make phone calls, eat and be merry! Have a call to action meeting with friends/family and even those that live out of state. Plan a date to do this. Even the ones that live out of state can help. Fax them or email them things to do.They can even blog for you. As a business owner delegating is very important and it will benefit your business or cause.
Good luck!
Do not pay to be a mystery shopper..
Also keep in mind that most legitamit companies wants you to have as much knowledge as possible and they recommend that you become MSPA Certifide. The mystery shopping company does not get any proceeds,this is a separate company and is strictly for becoming more educated in this field. Its only $15.00. You can obtain certification online and it will take you about 60 mins to complete. After 3 completed modules,if you pass all 3,you will be able to print out your certificate...
Want to make money writing for greeting cards..
Here is a list of companies you can contact and ask for submission rules.
Good Luck!
Blue Mountain Arts -SPS Studios
Looking for highly original and creative submissions on love, friendship, family, philosophies, and any other topic that one person might want to share with another. No rhyming poems.
Gallant Greetings
P.O. Box 308, Franklin Park, IL 60131
Send 20 ideas per batch. Traditional and humorous.
Email: to check on submission rules and if they are accepting new submissions.
High Cotton
Seeks humor, tag lines, one liners... things that can be put on t-shirts, doormats, etc...
Read rules..
Scratch & Earn..

This is how you should start your day..
How can I help?
Do you want to make sure no one is committing Plagiarism on your site/articles/blogs?
Do you need copyright, trademark, compliance service?
I can help with that.
Just contact me for details.
Do you like posting and making fan pages?
Email me for a consult/referrals/compliance/research appointment today!
Does this pertain to you?
You are an independent/freelance contractor?
You need more clients?
You have business and you need more client leads?
You would like to offer service to businesses and/or individuals?
You don't have time to market yourself?
**If you answered yes to any of these, then I can help. I have access to many companies that are accepting bids for particular service/products. At the sametime, your service is marketed.Unless your a billion dollar company,you can take advantage of this great service that will only help bring whealth into your project. All this is affordable and can start anywhere from .50 cents to $5.00.
If you would like your website/product/links on this site to be viewed by thousands per day,let me know as well.Certain critiria applies.
For information and to discuss the leads that you need,you can email me or leave a comment on here.
Free Grant Application & Process
When you get to the site,just go to the square box,look for your categories and click go.
Let me know how you made out. Good Luck!
Need your product/service tested?
Let us know how we can help your business/service SOAR!
*You can get others opinions
*You can improve
*You can have others spread the word about your product/service
*You can get ideas from opinions
*It can motivate you and Knowing how others feel will help you offer what people want and need.
That equals Success!
Helping businesses/individuals,organizations to EXCEL!
Please fill out the form and you will be emailed with weekly tips/training for your particular business.Let me help you excel!
Fill out my form!
Scam that many are falling for,please beware..
Those of you who are looking for a mystery shopping job may have seen this...
You received a check for X amount of dollars before you actually do the service. Beware! Do not cash any check. It is a scam. If you notice on the check..if it has a p.o. box, that is bogus because no bank will put a p.o. box as an address,also the signature. The printed name on the check are two different names. It is a fraudulent check. Always examine checks.You should call and report it, but by no means, do not cash the check because you can get into serious trouble. They picked the wrong person when sending me the check because I do compliance and consulting work,so I am always skepticle and I always do my research.
Need a home base job..log onto or you can join the team at
Idea for your job/work place

Make your working environment a pleasure to be around.
Some people spend more hours with co-workers than they do with their own families.
So why not make it an enjoyable atmosphere. Here are a few tips ...
Whenever it is a holiday or celebration,such as Sept 15-Oct 15 is Hispanic Heritage month.You can ask your supervisor or if you are the supervisor, you can suggest everyone to bring a pot luck dish that has to do with the event that is being celebrated. Everyone can enjoy eating at lunch time or on their break.
Another idea would be to have monthly or weekly raffle drawing.The winner gets...whatever the supervisor can think of. Store gift cards are great! We all can appreciate $10.00 or more gift card.
**Make your working environment as great as you can make it!
Need a Mystery Shopper?

You don't need to have a store/business to hire a mystery shopper. You can hire a mystery shopper to assist you with your investigation needs. Need to send a shopper to a location to check on the service? Need a shopper to make phone calls for you?Need a shopper to take surveys for you? Start mail marketing for you? Check up on your sitter,business,home?
To discuss it further,just inquire. Remember... you don't have to do everything yourself!
Reasonable rates: $10.00 per assignment!
Model agency in other countries..
Join the google model group to view auditions..
A Great Business Owner builds leaders

How to host a great product party

Do you love going to candle parties,lingerie parties,make over parites, etc..
It is very important that the host is friendly,outgoing and warm. Set appetizers and beverages out.Do this in a buffet style,so that will allow your guest to get up anytime they want. Make sure you let them know that they are free to do that.Cater to vegetarians and non vegetarians. Make sure when inviting,that you send invites and do follow up calls as a reminder 3 days before. Make sure you include your contact info and for the invitees to r.s.v.p before a specific date. Have guest sign in and ask them to put there phone or email,so that you can invite them to your next event.Play fun games and have give aways. This is a great way to have participation from your guest. Everyone loves to win:)
Having a product or pampering party is a great get together event!
Need any ideas of what type of party to throw and how to go about it.Just ask..
6 New Services being offered..

1.Are you an artist, business owner,have a cause or organization and you know how important it is to have a blog,to twitter,have a fan mail,send newsletters and have social sites, but your busy to maintain them. You can hire us for your Ghost Writing needs. Email us and let us know how we may be of service.
2.Personal Buyer/Merchandiser for your store or side business? We can sell to you at wholesale prices.We have many catalogs and products for you to choose from from designer/chic to casual. All products!
3.Are you hosting an event and you need door prizes/raffle prizes for your guest. We give away 2 products a month for this cause. To submit a request for your event just let us know the date of event,time,location,form of advertisement your doing,the cause,type of give away drawing you would like to do and email that to us. We recommend you make this request 2 months ahead since we give the 2 products away on a first come,first serve basis.If we gave the 2 products away for that month,then we can offer you a wholesale price if needed.
4.Compliance services. Need to know the state laws for business, or for a particular reason?Let our research team help you to be in compliance to your state laws.
5.Loss Prevention-Call to discuss your loss prevention needs
6.Quality Assurance,Seminars and training(call to discuss what topics you need your team trained on)
**Providing the Best B2B service!
Ask Ria
Ready?...Ask away!
Need Advertisers?

Need advertisers for your site or blog to start earning some extra money? Email me and let me know or you can leave a comment on here,and I will reply with further details.
ok..Listen to this Business owners!
It takes time to market online and it often takes time away from your business and the other things you need to do to keep it running. Many of you know I am a professional marketing specialist.I will give you a for instance...I will post your service or website in a variety of discussion sites and blogs that pertain to your type of business.Those sites will tell me how many readers they have. For instance... it will say under the topic and story..567,987 viewers and 72 comments. Well thats free advertising if I post your services on those type of sites. Who can't use more traffic? And I have access to many free online sites that will allow me to add your site or services. Sites I use to do postings are chosen with taste and stays professional.Theres no spam.These sites welcome your ads.
I would do that for you once-twice a week and I would send you the link as to where I posted your services/products/fundraiser/etc. on.
How much do you change?
For once a week- Only $20.00 a month( I would post your services in at least 3 different sites,once a week.
For twice a week, its just double the amount and double the amount of sites(6).
***More questions..ask away
My special pricing will allow you to be seen more and not take to much. Those that know the price for this type of service, you know this is a blessing.
Let me know,
Amparo Enterprise is here to help! GET STARTED NOW..
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About Amparo Enterprise..
My name is Maria Amparo Malabe Mixon, my family and friends call me Ria or Mari and I am a business owner. God is the head of my life and I have a wonderful family which I thank God.
Amparo was my mother's name. Her name and memory will always live and it brings a smile to my face everytime I say or type...
"Amparo Enterprise". She passed away Feb 13, 2009. I dedicated a blog to my mom if you would like to read it..
My Volunteer Services: I have served as a Neighborhood Watch Patrol Citizen Police, Served with the Ocoee Police as a Corporal for the Citizen Academy Class, Volunteer Security Work,life skills instructor to teens at schools and camps, Nursing home volunteer(I have done make up for the elderly, assisted in feeding, and conducted salsa classes for them),I have also done and continue to do motivational seminars at schools since 1992 to present.
Many people see me as wearing many different hats. Meaning I do a little bit of everything. I don't see it that way. I just love what I do, stayed educated in the fields of my interest. I worked hard over the years and will continue, so that I can keep bringing you Excellent Services!
My company name is Amparo Enterprise. I have other entities in the business as well, such as...mommies helpers, all grown up, extreme perfection, ria's models and talent, ria's perfect faces, dream to dance, rmmconsultant, I'm so Pretty(a registered trademark), timj, Truly Bonita,3 Brothers,
A.P. Reps,love to shop,fhmii, montes,lunch in a bag, fashion rescue and more are coming!Everything that I learned and experienced in the business world, I took it all in and created my company. I write articles for a variety of publications and sites.I also consult in various topics and offer research,compliance and consulting services for your business needs. I offer a variety of services to businesses, organizations, individuals and families.If you would like to read more about the services in detail that the company offers, please go to: - For business to business services - Fire Arm safety Entertainment business Personal Buyer - Make up artistry and modeling workshops -Careers
I can also help you start off your business, assist in being your business coach, project and event specialist and provide a variety of money saving ideas for you.
You will get a better idea of the services I offer when viewing my sites.You can contact me about any of the services and I will reply to you via email or by telephone. If I do not render the service, I will be your referral professional and I will help you in anyway I can to help you locate the service that you need.. Notary, fund raising, advertising, freelance writer, firearm safety, summer camps,marketing, promotional items and so much more.
*My Dedication and Great Work is what makes my company, a company of EXCELLENCE!
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