(Just click on my picture at the top left side of this website to be taken back to the main page.)
My name is Maria Amparo Malabe Mixon, my family and friends call me Ria or Mari and I am a business owner. God is the head of my life and I have a wonderful family which I thank God.
Amparo was my mother's name. Her name and memory will always live and it brings a smile to my face everytime I say or type...
"Amparo Enterprise". She passed away Feb 13, 2009. I dedicated a blog to my mom if you would like to read it.. http://www.maria-mixon.blogspot.com/
My Volunteer Services: I have served as a Neighborhood Watch Patrol Citizen Police, Served with the Ocoee Police as a Corporal for the Citizen Academy Class, Volunteer Security Work,life skills instructor to teens at schools and camps, Nursing home volunteer(I have done make up for the elderly, assisted in feeding, and conducted salsa classes for them),I have also done and continue to do motivational seminars at schools since 1992 to present.
Many people see me as wearing many different hats. Meaning I do a little bit of everything. I don't see it that way. I just love what I do, stayed educated in the fields of my interest. I worked hard over the years and will continue, so that I can keep bringing you Excellent Services!
My company name is Amparo Enterprise. I have other entities in the business as well, such as...mommies helpers, all grown up, extreme perfection, ria's models and talent, ria's perfect faces, dream to dance, rmmconsultant, I'm so Pretty(a registered trademark), timj, Truly Bonita,3 Brothers,
A.P. Reps,love to shop,fhmii, montes,lunch in a bag, fashion rescue and more are coming!Everything that I learned and experienced in the business world, I took it all in and created my company. I write articles for a variety of publications and sites.I also consult in various topics and offer research,compliance and consulting services for your business needs. I offer a variety of services to businesses, organizations, individuals and families.If you would like to read more about the services in detail that the company offers, please go to:
http://www.rmmconsultant.zoomshare.com/ - For business to business services
http://www.mixonmixon.yolasite.com/ - Fire Arm safety
http://www.jackofalltraits.zoomshare.com/- Entertainment business
http://www.fhmii.net/- Personal Buyer
http://www.imsopretty.yolasite.com/ - Make up artistry and modeling workshops
http://www.amparoreps.blogspot.com/ -Careers
I can also help you start off your business, assist in being your business coach, project and event specialist and provide a variety of money saving ideas for you.
You will get a better idea of the services I offer when viewing my sites.You can contact me about any of the services and I will reply to you via email or by telephone. If I do not render the service, I will be your referral professional and I will help you in anyway I can to help you locate the service that you need.. Notary, fund raising, advertising, freelance writer, firearm safety, summer camps,marketing, promotional items and so much more.
*My Dedication and Great Work is what makes my company, a company of EXCELLENCE!
8 years ago
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