So many business owners are still trapped with the mentality of, "People are out to steal my customers or my ideas" Keeping that mentality does not allow you to grow in business and effectively network. Networking with others can bring you new customers, so don't be afraid to cross network with a company. I will give you a few for instances, maybe it can give you a few ideas of your own.
Lets say I have a service that can benefit the community and you know a business that would have customers that would be interested in seeing or hearing about your services. As long as it doesn't conflict with what the other business is offering, then you have made a great networking match. The Girls Scouts go to supermarkets and ask if they can sell their cookies in front of the store. Thats one example.
Another example- A photographer is offering portrait specials, so he ask a night club owner if he can set up a table to advertise his services and maybe even provide some services right then and there. Especially during a holiday or occasion. That will attract the night club customers to want to use the services of the other business. Maybe the photographer may even want to offer a night club special price for being there.
Another good example- A consultant goes to a day care and ask if they can leave some flyers or business cards with them so that they can give it to the parents. The consultant offers financial and insurance information. Well many parents would be interested in obtaining that information, so that would be a good networking match. The consultant may even ask if they can offer a seminar after day care hours so that the parents can come and hear about the services they offer. In return, the consultant can offer to take some day care center marketing material and put it in their office or they can offer to give it to their clients. The day care center may even want to do a special promotion for the consultant for their referrals.
You never know how good cross networking/cross marketing can turn out unless you try it by proposing it to the business owner(s).
A coffee business can even benefit by giving free samples of their beverages at an event or business. By doing this the free samples can turn into profit if the customers like it.
I hope I gave you some ideas to start networking.
Good luck!
8 years ago
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